The second U.S.-Canada Winter School on Biomolecular Solid State NMR will be held in Stowe, Vermont, January 24-29, 2010. This is a pedagogical meeting, aimed primarily at graduate students and postdocs, with the goals of training them in fundamental conceptual and experimental aspects of biomolecular solid-state NMR, promoting frank discussions of current trends and bottlenecks, and generally catalyzing future progress. The meeting is also open to more senior scientists who are interested in entering the field of biomolecular solid state NMR.
Applications consist of the following three items:
- CV and publication list
- Brief description of current research, not longer than one page
- One-page letter of recommendation from current research supervisor (In the case of a more senior scientist, a brief explanation of your motivations can substitute for a letter of recommendation).
Please send these items as pdf attachments to:
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THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS OCTOBER 16. Applications received after this date may not be considered. For the first Winter School, we received about twice as many applications as we could accept, so this deadline should be taken seriously.